Case Studies

April 18, 2017

Just Funded… $19,000 in Cash Flow Financing

    One of our retail store clients just got $19,000 in funding to use for working capital and to increase inventory. Congratulations to Cory […]
April 18, 2017

Recently Funded… $25,000 funded in 72 hours

  Congratulations to one of our commercial construction clients who just secured $25,000 in cash flow financing! Mike is was able to get money quickly […]
April 18, 2017

Recently Funded… $30,000 in 24 Hours

  One of our North Carolina OBGYN clients just obtained $30,000 in funding in 24 hours! Their business needed expansion capital to make a big […]
April 18, 2017

Recently funded… $10,000.00 in Memphis TN

  Recently funded… $10,000.00 in Memphis TN King’s Prince Xpress, LLC  obtained $10,000.00 in unsecured business cards. In this way he had more working capital […]